Discover the corners of the Route of the Lighthouses in Galicia


Lighthouse of Cabo Vilán on the Costa da Morte in Galicia

For those who still don't know her, Galicia It is one of the greats hidden secrets that Spain keeps.

There you can see perfectly how the human being has adapted to live in a place where nature is what sets the rules.

The strength and influence of Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Sea, have shaped a landscape of huge and steep cliffs, spectacular estuaries and green mountain landscapes typical of northern European countries such as Scotland.

Route of the Lighthouses of Galicia

But a feature that has Galicia is that, in our opinion, it is not the land of a single destination but it is an ideal place to meet him making a route Through its territory.

So much so thatGalicia It is known worldwide for being the final destination of the oldest and busiest pilgrimage route in Europe, the Santiago's road.

But there is a route that for now is less known, which seeks to discover that essence of Galicia, traveling through its lighthouses the entire coast of the Galician territory.

Route of the Lighthouses of Galicia

Depending on the time available and the itinerary you choose to do on your trip, in the Route of the Lighthouses of Galicia You can discover unique corners as a selection of landscapes and beaches that can be visited all year round.

In addition to spectacular viewpoints, this route of 44 legendary lighthouses crosses emblematic points of Galician geography such as Rías Baixas Y Rías Altas wave Costa da Morte.

Pancha Island lighthouse in Ribadeo in Galicia

What is the Route of the Lighthouses of Galicia?

This route in eight stages is designed with the idea of ​​traveling it in your air and without hurry, enjoying the routes in which you will go through small villages and fishing villages.

The route can be done on any transport and includes a total of 50 stops to walk and others 100 essential visits where to take a nice picture of the Galician coast.

Stages of the Lighthouses Route in Galicia

Below we detail the most prominent corners of the different stages of the Route of the Lighthouses.

From Ribadeo to Viveiro

This stage leaves from the border with the Asturias touring one of the most beautiful and unique beaches in the world, theBeach of the Cathedrals, an ideal stage for hikers, and where you will see places like the Pancha Island lighthouse in Ribadeo.

Historic military arsenal of Ferrol in Galicia

From Mañon to Cedeira

Great cliffs like that of Picón-Loiba or spectacular landscapes like that of the Sierra de Capelada wave village of San Andrés de Teixido They mark this second stage.

From Cadeira to Ferrol

Leaving the famous Punta Candieira Lighthouse you will tour the Santa Comba beach or the Prior Lighthouse before arriving at Ferrol where can you visit his historic military arsenal and do the modernism route.

From Malpica de Bergantiños to Finisterre

We cross A Coruña where is an emblematic lighthouse such as the tower of Hercules.

Rare to pass the promenade of Arteixo and the fishing and surfing town of Caion, we arrived toMalpica de Bergantiños.

Tower of Hercules in A Coruña in Galicia

We enter fully Costa da Morte where we will find several lighthouses, such as Cabo Vilán, until you reach the mythical Finisterre Lighthouse.

From Carnota to Porto do Son

From the Carnota beach, the longest of Galicia part this stage that runs the magic waterfall A Fervenza do Ézar or the location of Walls, from where to see spectacular views of the estuary of Muros and Noya.

From Corrubedo to O Grove

From the Corrubedo Natural Park passing by Pobra do Caramiñal, at this stage emblematic lighthouses such as the Corrubedo Lighthouse, active since 1854, or the Punta Cabalo Lighthouse.

And also extraordinary natural places such as marshlands of Ribadumia, the Telleira de Seixiños and the Rouxique Lagoon.

Lighthouse of Cabo Vilán on Costa da Morte in Galicia

Cíes Islands environment

Crystal clear waters like those of the Caribbean, but much colder, are the ones that bathe the Cies Island.

The Melide or Barra beaches They are essential visits, and if you want great views of the Cies Island, you just have to approach the Cabo Home Lighthouse in the Vigo laughs.

But if you want to further improve those panoramic views, you have to know the Doñón's facade, an old and small tower of the 17th century.

Port of Vigo, Cangas and Bayonne

This last day proposes to reach the border with Portugal in The guard passing by Vigo, the most inhabited city of Galicia

Includes visits from Cangas and Bayonne, a simply spectacular journey end.

Route of the Lighthouses in Galicia

Activities on the Route of the Lighthouses

Perhaps one of the most striking points of this new route of the lighthouses is the amount of activities related to the sea where you can experience how life is related to him.

You can visit emblematic points for your fishing tradition like fish markets, port, etc ...

Even accompany the shellfish while they work to discover the characteristics of their tasks.

It has developed a quality seal which encompasses everything related to these activities as is Galactic Sea, which is made up of all the actors involved in the maritime tradition that guarantee good practices.

Activities on the Lighthouses Route in Galicia

Gastronomy in the Route of the Lighthouses

Linked to fishing-related activities, this route offers the possibility to see how dishes prepared with seafood are prepared and, of course, taste them.

Are some one hundred recommended restaurants along the route under a common purpose, provide all food from kilometer 0, always within 100 kilometers of the restaurant, under another seal of quality Km 0 Margalaica.

In this link you will find the list of 100 restaurants Km 0 Margalaica.


Video: Sailing Destination A Coruña, Galicia, Spain (May 2024).