5 keys to visit Piazza Navona, the most beautiful in Rome


Fountain of the Four Rivers in the center of Piazza Navona in Rome

Assessment: *** Very Recommended

When planning your tourist trip to Rome, a must is the Navona Square, both in the case of your first visits, as in subsequent visits.

I'll give you next several keys that justify the great tourist attraction of this central Roman square.

1.- The Navona square in Rome It is considered as one of the most beautiful squares in Italy. Its elongated configuration, with the layout of your three great sources in a totally pedestrian environment, the colorful facades of houses on the north side, and the majesty of the Basilíca de Santa Agnese in Agone, configure corners of great beauty.

2.- The Navona Square has a very long story, as the aforementioned elongated configuration shows us, since its origins date back to Roman times, because in that location there was the one known as Domitian Stadium, with capacity for 30,000 spectators. You can still see some archaeological remains of that stadium.

Although now what you see is a square with baroque style monuments which were built during the seventeenth century, at the time of Pope Innocent X.

3. In the center of the Navona Square is one of the main Bernini's artistic works, the Fountain of the Four Rivers, large marble sculptural ensemble that was built in 1652, which is crowned by an Egyptian obelisk, known as the Domitian Obelisk.

4. In its long history, Piazza Navona has been the center of major popular events in Rome. From the games that were held when it was a Roman stadium, through the market that in the medieval era housed the square, to the water games that were held for more than 200 years, until 1866, when every weekend Navona Square was flooded with water to enjoy the Romans.

5. And finally the great atmosphere that at any time of the day you will find when visit Navona Square. An atmosphere of art market during the day, and a great atmosphere of terraces since sunset
